
Brow Threading: Why It's Better Than Tweezing


When it comes to your eyebrows, you want nothing less than beauty and precision. Eyebrows are a fashionable trend, just like eyelashes are, and you want to present yourself in the best light. When you take care of your brows, you do your part to frame your face in beautiful ways, and you also give your face a whole new look. You have tweezed your brows in the past and usually do this regimen as part of your normal makeup routine.

10 September 2019

4 Tips For Creating Your Own Cosmetic Line


Makeup enthusiasts are serious about their craft. Many elevate the application of makeup to an art form, mixing custom colors from lipstick and experimenting with new combinations. If you're passionate about makeup and have some entrepreneurial spirit in you, you may want to explore the possibility of selling makeup. Here are four tips that can help you create your own cosmetic line: 1. Choose a focus. When you're first starting out with any new business, it's a good idea to start small.

30 May 2019

Five Questions To Ask Yourself When You're Not Getting Much Out Of Dating


"Bittersweet" is probably the best expression to describe dating. On one date you are ready to commit and are head over heels in love, and the next one you feel like cupid missed you by a mile and you seem to be hitting a blank wall with your dates more often than you would like. If you are in the latter end of the spectrum, you probably want to call a timeout, exhale, introspect, and make a few needed changes before jumping back into the dating game.

26 January 2018

4 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Botox


Many people get cosmetic Botox and have great experiences with it. Botox is a great way to get rid of those wrinkles on your face that you might not like and get your skin to appear and feel tighter and younger. However, if this is your first time using Botox there are couple things you need to know before you give it a try. 1. It Can Make You Look More Serious

8 May 2015

Beauty Tips To Get You Ready For Spring


The snow might still be melting on the side of the road, but the reappearance of birds and hay fever can only mean one thing -- spring is right around the corner. But you've spent the long, cold winter months neglecting your beauty routine -- after all, it's pointless to meticulously groom yourself when you're going to be wearing hats for five months -- and you need to get ready for floaty skirts and flowery headbands fast.

19 March 2015